Nationwide Blogs
Notice of Intent to Lien in Construction - What to Know
As a contractor, one of the most important parts of the job is getting paid. That usually
seems a lot easier said than done, but it's good to know that contractors have the
resources to assist them in getting the money they are owed. One of the ways that you
can make sure you get paid is to file a Notice of Intent (NOI) to Lien. This is basically a
warning that informs the responsible party that if payment isn't made, a lien will be
What is a Notice of Intent to Lien?
The NOI to Lien is a form that explains the parameters of the construction project, the
past due balance or unpaid payments, and other details. It also includes information to
let the individual know that if the payments aren't made, a mechanics lien will be filed on
the property until they are resolved.
Non-paying customers are a struggle in any industry, but especially in construction.
Projects take time and budgets change, and that often results in people waiting to pay
bills so that they make sure they know what they're paying for. Some people just
outright refuse to pay, too, so these notices can be helpful there.
This is the first step to take before any legal action happens. It's a way to make sure
that you're clear about the expectations, and it gets more of a reaction than a phone
call, email, or even a letter of demand. After all, if someone ignored an invoice, they're
probably going to ignore all of this, too.
Why Send This Notice?
Florida is not one of the states that require a notice of intent (NOI) to be filed before they
attempt to collect payment in other ways or file a mechanic's lien. However, sending it
can make sure that you get paid a lot faster. More than half of all NOIs are paid in less
than 45 days, which is almost two months faster than the average. And those who have
hard NOI policies get 90% of their payments within 90 days.
Essentially, it's a way to let people know that they need to pay, or there will be
consequences, as mentioned. This doesn't encumber anyone yet or create a legal
liability. It just confirms that you are going to file a mechanic's lien if they aren't going to
pay, which gives them the chance to do right.
Get Help with Nationwide Notice, Inc.
If you need to file an NOI, then Nationwide Notice, Inc. can help. We understand the ins
and outs of mechanic's liens all across the nation and have teams of experts waiting to
help you with your notice!
Don't risk losing your right to file a lien against an unpaying client and get in contact with
us to ensure you're getting the payment you deserve. Nationwide Notice, Inc. assists
construction companies to protect their receivables and get lien released based on the
laws in their state. We help construction companies to secure their lien rights, no matter
what size. You can find our full list of services on our website to learn more about how
Nationwide Notice, Inc. can assist you.